We help construction contractors and professional service providers succeed with a proven process, guaranteed.

Win higher value clieints and projects in your core markets.

You Need To Win More Projects With Greater Profits
We Have Solutions To Help You Do It

Our clients consistently see increased revenue, enhanced client relationships, and more referrals.

Marcor Consulting combines a structured process with in-depth industry knowledge to help you overcome operational and marketing challenges to leverage market opportunities for higher rates.

Strategic Planning

Beginning with our Audit & Discovery process, we uncover and focus on the most critical issues and opportunities in your business. the A/D process will guide strategic direction, business development and sales, market positioning, organizational improvements to capture value and optimize actions towards your revenue goals.

Implementation & Performance Improvements

Our job is to help you drive results for your business, not just offer advice. We bring a sense of urgency to all of our client's strategic plans and work with you to implement your high priority initiatives and improve bottom-line performance.

Digital Assets & Marketing

Your digital strategy is a critical component of success in today's business environment. An effective digital strategy will create differentiation, help you close sales, and win market share in a competitive environment. Marcor is one of the few consulting firms that can facilitate and deliver effective digital assets in support of your strategic plan.

Process & Opportunity Coaching

It is not enough to know the path, walking the path is what gets you significant growth. We work with, train and coach business owners and key members of your team to execute consistently, optimize new project opportunities, and breakthrough to new levels of success to reach your company's untapped potential.

Tracking & Accountability

When business performance is measured, business performance improves. We take this law and apply it to the key performance indicators (KPI) of your strategic plan to adapt to the challenges of execution, course correct as needed, and ensure we are truly moving the needle for your business.

We have won two recent projects for significantly higher rates as a direct result of the strategy we developed working with Marcor Consulting. Not only do we have a new approach to winning high-profit projects, but our entire mindset has changed. There is no doubt my ongoing relationship with Marcor will continue to pay off for my business moving forward.

- Curtis Rubin. Owner, CR Hardscapes

How Much Revenue Is Your Business Leaving On the Table?

Strategic Planning


76% percent of design-build and service professionals stated they would significantly increase their revenue with a professional strategic plan and a resource to help them implement it. 

Value Communication


83% of construction companies do not believe they do a good enough job communicating their unique value so project owners understand why they should hire them over their competition.

Opportunity Management


91% of contractors feel they leave money on the table through suboptimal management of the business development, sales, estimating, and project delivery process. 

Our Proven Process Applied to Your Business

For your construction or professional services business to succeed, you must make clear choices about what projects types you bring the most value to and then implement a plan on how to consistently win those projects. 

Team up with Marcor Consulting, and together we will make a measurable difference for your construction business.